2007 EASTPO International Machine Tool Fair
2007第9屆東博國際機床展 Approved by
Shanghai Foreign Economic Relation & Trade Commission 批準單位 上海市人民政府對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易委員會 [滬經(jīng)貿(mào)貿(mào)促2006第422-01-1號] Strategic Alliances
China Machinery Industry Federation 戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)盟 中國機械工業(yè)聯(lián)合會 Show Sponsor
China Light Industrial Corporation for Foreign Economic and Technical Co-operation EASTPO International Holding Co., Ltd. 主辦單位 中國輕工業(yè)對外經(jīng)濟技術(shù)合作公司 東博國際控股有限公司 Organizer
EASTPO International Expo Co., Ltd. 承辦單位 上海東博展覽有限公司 Co-organizers
German Industry and Commerce (GIC) The Manufacturing Technologies Association (MTA) Korean Association of Machinery Industry (KOAMI) Japan Forming Machinery Association (JFMA) Times International (H.K.) Expo Co., Ltd. (TIMES H.K.) Jetta Trade Services Co. Ltd, Taiwan, China (JETTA) China Metal Cutting Tool Engineering Association (CMCTEA) Shanghai Association of Cutting Technology (SACT) 協(xié)辦單位
德國工商總會(GIC) 英國制造技術(shù)協(xié)會(MTA) 韓國機械產(chǎn)業(yè)振興會(KOAMI) 日本鍛壓機械工業(yè)會 (JFMA) 時代國際(香港)展覽有限公司(TIMES H.K.) 捷達展覽事業(yè)有限公司(JETTA) 中國機械工業(yè)金屬切削刀具技術(shù)協(xié)會(CMCTEA) 上海市金屬切削技術(shù)協(xié)會(SACT) Supporters
China Construction Machinery Association (CCMA) China Association of National Shipbuilding Industry (CANSI) Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-China) China Textile Machinery Association (CTMA) Shanghai Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE-S) Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Society (SMES) 支持單位
中國工程機械工業(yè)協(xié)會(CCMA) 中國船舶工業(yè)行業(yè)協(xié)會(CANSI) 中國汽車工程學(xué)會(SAE-China) 中國紡織機械器材工業(yè)協(xié)會(CTMA) 上海市汽車工程學(xué)會(SAE-S) 上海市機械工程學(xué)會(SMES) 2007第9屆東博國際機床展
開始時間:2007-7-25 結(jié)束時間:2007-7-28 舉辦地點:上海新國際博覽中心 聯(lián)系電話:(86-21)5239 6999 主辦單位:中國輕工業(yè)對外經(jīng)濟技術(shù)合作公司 東博國際控股有限公司 承辦單位:上海東博展覽有限公司 [展會概況]: 成功舉辦過8屆的東博國際機床展蛾扇,是中國三大國際機床展之一漩勤,2007年的展會面積將達到80麻镶,000平米全封。企業(yè)參加?xùn)|博展寨衣,一是能夠直面國內(nèi)外機床買家摹跑,贏得訂單彻芒;二是能夠發(fā)展代理商或合作伙伴赴仪,構(gòu)建全球營銷網(wǎng)絡(luò);三是能夠提升企業(yè)的品牌形象尘晓。 EASTPO Int’l Machine Tool Fair has been held successfully for 8 years, so it was one of three largest machine tool fairs in China. The 9th EASTPO, which has more than 80,000M2 exhibition areas, is a platform for exhibitors to display their products, to communicate with 120,000 professional visitors, to develop the domestic & overseas markets.
EASTPO 2007换橱,是上海唯一獲得政府批文的機床展邪慧,是上海規(guī)模最大的機床展,是專注于機床行業(yè)的專業(yè)展會舔躏。而且秆尝,展會得到德國工商總會、英國制造技術(shù)協(xié)會防擎、韓國機械產(chǎn)業(yè)振興會挎中、日本鍛壓機械工業(yè)會等海外協(xié)會的大力支持,海外展區(qū)超過20,000平方米助店,是與眾多海外企業(yè)直接交流與合作的重要機遇磁滚。 Only EASTPO 2007 is approved by the government, in Shanghai and in the machine tool industry. EASTPO 2007 is a professional exhibition, which focus on the machine tool, so it is the largest machine tool fairs in Shanghai. And with the powerful support of the overseas co-organizers, which include German Industry and Commerce, The Manufacturing Technologies Association, Korean Association of Machinery Industry, etc, the overseas displaying zone is more than 20,000M2. 同期活動
展會期間,由中國機械工業(yè)聯(lián)合會等牽頭組織宵晚,舉辦亞洲機床發(fā)展論壇垂攘,全國汽車行業(yè)質(zhì)量控制與測試技術(shù)交流會,中國切削技術(shù)高層論壇等淤刃。國際水準的同期活動晒他,不僅能幫助企業(yè)掌握機床行業(yè)的發(fā)展趨勢,而且能吸引到眾多專業(yè)觀眾逸贾,增加企業(yè)與觀眾進行交流與合作的機會陨仅。 Concurrent Events Asia Machine Tool Forum, China Cutting Technology Forum, National Auto Industry Quality Control and Testing Technology Conference and several seminars will be held during the exhibition, so the exhibitors will not only master the future of the machine tool industry, but also have more chance to communicate with the professional visitors. 多種渠道組織專業(yè)觀眾
由中國機械工業(yè)聯(lián)合會牽頭,通過下屬的航空铝侵、航天灼伤、船舶、汽車等行業(yè)協(xié)會發(fā)文動員哟沫,積極組織企業(yè)會員參觀饺蔑、采購; 展會同期舉辦高質(zhì)量的高層論壇嗜诀、交流會等; 斥巨資制作大型戶外廣告症旭,每月直郵展會快訊瀑捣,刊登廣告于專業(yè)網(wǎng)站及媒體等,展會信息直達120,000國內(nèi)外專業(yè)觀眾秉返。 The Most Comprehensive Promotion Networks in the Market EASTPO has taken effective measures to attract professional visitors, which include using the powerful associations, such as China Machinery Industry Federation; holding influential conference, forum, symposia, etc; advertisements and diversified publicity in print, online & electronic media; extensive mailing of show tickets & news letter. 展品范圍Scope of Exhibits 各類機床:Machines 加工中心驼值、數(shù)控機床、車床螺坟、銑床顷沉、鏜床、磨床缸秀、電加工機床钢囚、鉆床役默、金屬鋸床、拉床鸟氨、刨床冤牢、齒輪加工機床等。 Machining Centers, CNC, NC Machine, Turning Machine, Boring Machine, Milling Machine, Grinding Machine, Electrical Discharge Machine, Drilling Machine, Metal Sawing Machine, Broach Machine, Planning Machine, Gear Cutting Machine 成形設(shè)備:Forming Facilities
鍛壓機械集炭、重型機床丙者、沖壓機床、液壓機营密、剪鈑機械媒、折彎機、卷板機评汰、彎管機纷捞、自動鍛機。 Metal Forming Machinery, Heavy-duty Machine, Punch Press, Hydraulic Press, Plate Shear, Flanging Machine, Bender, Automatic Forging Machine 機床電器及控制系統(tǒng):Machine tool electrical apparatuses & Control System
機床電器键俱、數(shù)控系統(tǒng)兰绣、數(shù)顯裝置、伺服驅(qū)動裝置编振、計算機應(yīng)用技術(shù)缀辩、氣動、液壓元器件踪央。 Machine Tool electrical apparatuses, Digital Display Device, Control System, Servo Drive, Computer application technology, Hydraulic Components, Pneumatic Parts 機床工具及附件:Machine tool & Attachments
刀具臀玄、刃具、量具畅蹂、卡具盹躬、氣動工具、各種機床附件血沦。 Cutting tool, Measuring tool, Chucking tool, Pneumatic tool, etc 機械制造新工藝恐程、新材料、新技術(shù)野言、新裝備及其它
New technique, materials, equipments for Machinery making, etc 更多詳情皿理,請登陸www.eastpo.net
More information, please kindly visit www.eastpo.net 聯(lián)系方式:
垂詢熱線:86-21-5239 6999 或 eastpo@eastpo.net
Enquiry: please contact 86-21-5239 6999 or eastpo@eastpo.net |